Greatest Video Hits 1

Greatest Video Hitswas the first Queen video collection on DVD. Most of the content was released previously on VHS and the long defunct CED Videodisc format as Greatest Flix in 1981. It was released in October 2002, and included video hits of the band between 1973 and 1981.

The second disc also contains some extras, such as a documentary about Bohemian Rhapsody called Inside the Rhapsody and a photo gallery. There is the Flames version of Bohemian Rhapsody available if you are in the Rhapsody menu if you highlight the Back to Menu button and then press up, right, right and then left on you DVD remote you will then be able to see the flames video.It is also possible to access audio commentaries to the initialtracks of this release. Commentaries by Freddie Mercury and John Deacon are taken from previously recorded interviews whilst Brian May and Roger Taylor have recorded new commentaries for the DVD. Both confessed they have few memories of many of the videos due to a long time in each seeing them prior to the DVD being recorded. ........

Source: Wikipedia